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What does the Landlord receive from Helpthemove?
What does the Landlord receive from Helpthemove?

If you don’t use the portal to let them know, you must tell them yourself.

Helen avatar
Written by Helen
Updated over a week ago

When you add a Landlord to the Helpthemove system we ask you to enter the Landlord’s email address. This is so the system can send them an automated email on your behalf to notify them that you are using the Helpthemove service for the properties that you fully manage on their behalf.

For any properties added to the system that you use their details (i.e completing a move out), they will also receive an email to let them know which properties of theirs you have added to the system. This is simply to ensure the landlord is notified and to provide them with a 3 day window to stop using the service. If they choose to do this, the Helpthemove system will automatically acknowledge and honour this, as per our compliance with GDPR.

If you choose not to enter the landlord’s email address when adding their record to the system and instead you enter one connected to your organisation or an alternative, you instantly become solely responsible for making sure that landlord is aware you are using our service for their property/ies and that they are happy for you to do so.

TO NOTE: The landlord would be receiving 100% Green Energy. Click here for more:

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